a modern-day warriors rp
warriors of the moon
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Welcome to Warriors of the Moon! We are a modern-day warrior cats roleplay! It's been 10 years, and all of the original Clans have disbanded. Even SkyClan means nothing. We have new ones called MarshClan, MistClan, PeakClan, and WolfClan. We're one account per person, like most warriors roleplays. Meaning, no character accounts!

Our roleplay rating is 3-0-2, and we have a simple application and a quick acceptance process! Your character will be approved in not even an hour, depends on our timezones, though! Welcome!
modern-day warriors rp
Cityscapes Premade Theme Punki of Adoxography & Pixel Perfect
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year 1
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Hide and seek (Owlstar/Shortee)


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